Training Evaluation Form

Please help us improve our training program by taking a few minutes and answering a few questions about your training experience. We value your feedback and will incorporate your thoughts, ideas and suggestions into future classes.

    Course Name

    Trainer Name

    Training Start Date


    Student Name


    Student Email (Required)

    Your Country (Required)

    Company Name (optional)

    Linkedin Profile

    Study Mode

    Instructions: Please tick your level of agreement with the statements listed below

    1. The objectives of the training were met

    2. The trainer’s communication skills were good

    3. The presentation materials were relevant

    4. The content of the course was organized and easy to follow

    5. Was Training enough to prepare you for taking the exam

    6. The course length was appropriate

    7. The pace of the course was appropriate

    8. Was e-learning portal user friendly

    9. Customer Service, was responsive for the duration of the course

    10. Would you recommend this course to colleagues?

    11. Any other comments?

    12. Can we add your Testimonial on our website? Yes/No (Please provide the testimonial below)

    I have read 1STCareer’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. I agree to share my personal details with 1STCareer. I am interested in and I understand I may be contacted by 1STCareer for purpose of discussing my training needs.

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